- General Aviation
- HAJ General Aviation Terminal
HAJ General Aviation Terminal
Welcome to the GAT at EDDV [HAJ]
Information on leaving and entering the country
We hereby inform you about the processes for departure to a non-Schengen country and entry from a non-Schengen country at the GAT, which will come into force on February 1, 2024.
These have become necessary at short notice due to various incidents and deviations during a Federal Police audit. In principle, the Federal Police will no longer carry out mobile checks on aircraft (exceptions: e.g. ambulance flights).
In addition to the ICAO regulation, the following legal basis for the transmission of the General Declaration can be found in Regulation (EU) 2016/399 (Schengen Borders Code) in accordance with Annex VI, 2.3.1 SBC:
2.3 Screening of persons on private flights
2.3.1 In the case of private flights from or to third countries, the captain of the flight shall notify the border guards of the Member State of destination and, where applicable, of the Member State of first entry before the flight. Member State of first entry, where applicable, a general declaration prior to departure, including in particular a flight plan in accordance with Annex 2 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation and information on the identity of the passengers.
Every person landing at Hannover Airport from a non-Schengen country must undergo immigration control. According to § 98 (2) No. 2 AufenthG, it is an administrative offense if a person subject to border control does not submit to border control.
Before entering the country from a non-Schengen country, the "General Declaration" form must also be completed by the pilot responsible and submitted to the Federal Police and customs.
After landing at Hannover Airport, the entire crew of the aircraft must undergo entry control by the Federal Police. The border control of aircraft crews takes place immediately after Onblock when the aircraft is parked on the GAT apron together with the passengers.
As a rule, the Federal Police will be at the GAT for entry control on arrival of the aircraft (onblock) if the flight plan data is available.
Upon arrival (onblock) of the non-Schengen flight on the GA1 apron, the airside building entrance is locked until the arrival of the Federal Police. It is not possible for any users to enter the building until the Federal Police arrive. Entry to the building will generally only be permitted again once the Federal Police have personally received the persons concerned at the airside entrance to the GAT for entry control.
If the aircraft is parked on another apron, entry will be ensured via passenger and crew transport.
If the Federal Police are unable to carry out entry control at the GAT in individual cases due to special events, the aircraft arriving from a non-Schengen country will be parked on the main apron.
The crew will then be taken to the border control point designated by the Federal Police and then transported by air to the GAT. For the above-mentioned reason, departure can also take place after the security check at the GAT via the border checkpoint designated by the Federal Police.
Further information on the General Declaration can be found in the Schengen Borders Code in Annex VI - Para. 2.3 - Checks on persons on private flights.
Contact federal police:
Phone: 0511 7281 1111
Mail: bpolifh.haj@polizei.bund.de
Before departure to a non-Schengen country, the "General Declaration" form must be completed by the pilot responsible and submitted to the Federal Police and Customs.
This must be provided at least 60 minutes before the planned departure time.
Within the regular opening hours of the GAT (06:00 - 22:00), the persons concerned must then be ready for border control at the GAT at least 30 minutes before the planned departure.
Outside the regular opening hours of the GAT, the persons concerned must register for departure via the bell in the entrance area of the GAT, unless the flight has been announced in advance.
Border control will then be carried out by the Federal Police at the GAT and the persons concerned will be transported on to the aircraft.
Contact federal police:
Phone: 0511 7281 1111
Mail: bpolifh.haj@polizei.bund.de
The following applicable customs regulations must also be observed:
When persons or goods are entering or leaving the country via the GAT, the following legal provisions in connection with the following areas of law must be observed:
- Excise duties (for cigarettes, gunpipe tobacco, alcohol, etc.), - Prohibitions and restrictions (e.g. on narcotics, medicines, weapons), - Cash and equivalent means of payment (written declaration from 10,000 euros), - Import duties for other goods (customs, EUST, exemption limit of 430 euros for non-commercial travel) and - Foreign trade law (embargo regulations, issuing of non-commercial export certificates for VAT purposes / "tax free").
Further information can be found on the customs administration website at www.zoll.de. If you have any uncertainties or questions, you can also contact the customs office on 0511 5469 5152 (24/7 service).
All relevant contact details can be found here:
Contact federal police:
Phone: 0511 7281 1111
Mail: bpolifh.haj@polizei.bund.de
Contact customs office:
Phone: 0511 5469 – 5152
Mail: KEFUE.Flughafen-Hannover@zoll.bund.de

Arrival Terminal C
Arriving by car
From the Autobahn A7 (Hamburg - Kassel) and A2 (Berlin - Dortmund) you can reach the airport directly via the feeder road A352 or via the exit Langenhagen (A2). Follow the signposts to the General Aviation Terminal
Address for Navigation Devices:
Nordstrasse 12, 30855 Langenhagen
Import Address into GOOGLE MAPS
Parking at GAT
There are several short-term parking lots (parking time up to 1 hour) right in front of GAT 1.
For a parking time of one to two days, there is a limited number of long-term parking lots available. The required parking permit can be obtained from the service counter in GAT 1.
For stays in excess of the above-mentioned parking times, you can use Parking Garage 7 (walking distance ca. 300 meters / 5 minutes).
Arriving by plane

You are not required to request a slot. Our handling agents are here to assist you if needed.
General Avition Parking is available at the GA or on the main apron.
You can announce commercial flights by e-mail to gat@hannover-airport.de.
Please secure your aircraft after landing with brake chocks, not only with the parking brake. Brake chocks are available on the apron margin at the GAT. Please ask our GAT staff.
Please note our local flight restrictions when planning your flight.
For requests or questions please contact Air Traffic Control:
Phone.: +49 (0)511 977-1455 or via e-mail to operations@hannover-airport.de.
Further means of public transport
The journey by taxi from the airport to Hanover main station takes around 30 minutes. Phone: +49 511 977-1505
Metro line S5 (S-Bahn) commutes every 30 minutes and takes you from Terminal C directly to Hanover main station, and takes around 20 minutes.
Car Rentals
There is a great choice of renowned car rental companies in the car rental center on the Arrivals level between Terminal A and B.
Transfer Services
One of the airport-based transfer services will be happy to collect you from and timely drop you off again at the GAT - safe and reliable on 365 days in the year, 24 hours a day.
Services for aircraft, pilot & crew
You can find further information on catering offers for crews, refueling, catering, handling, VIP service and conference facilities at Hannover Airport here.
Sightseeing flights & flight training schools
Charter services and sightseeing flights are offered by various flight operators at Hannover Airport. Would you like to acquire a pilot license yourself? Our dedicated team of flight instructors will help you prepare for the exams. As a certified pilot, you can charter aircraft or helicopters at Hannover Airport, or you can exchange experience with other aviation enthusiasts.
Further Information
Enterprises at the GAT
ACC Columbia Jet Service GmbH and Aerowest Flugzeugtechnik GmbH are hangar and maintenance providers at the airport. In addition, there are flight training schools and other companies related to aviation. Would you like to locate here as well? Please contact us here
Hotels at the airport

Petzelstraße 60
30669 Hannover

Flughafenstraße 5
30669 Hannover
Fees and Services for General Aviation
General Terms and Conditions & additional charges
You can find additional information on charges, services and products as well as our General Terms and Conditions on our Business page.
Opening Times & Contact
General Aviation Terminal
Daily from 06.00 until 22.00 (local time HAJ/EDDV; UTC+1 bzw. +2)
Extended opening times are possible on request (separate billing).